zondag 29 januari 2012

hahahahaha. a picture of baby ariana. in full face. haha :]Vintage family photo , I was 3 !! I love being home , I always end up finding things like this. ahhhhhhhhh! Mmmm :] :] :]Hello! From my car. :]Me being a geek backstage at "Brain Surge" yesterday! I love nerds. :)Pic! :) good to be home hahaMy brown wig is on!! It's so cool! No make up yet though :)This might be the final decision haha. Thoughts?? :) xxAhhhhhh. Just did a little decorating in my room. Rock. And. Roll. :]haar kamer muur ,, Meet Oddie! Im iiiiin love! How cute is he? ;) xxxxo#fetus pic of me outside @labeteplay , i love you Mark Rylance !!!!!!!!!!! Just met @NickiMinaj , she was so kind and down to earth. Willow and I! Sweetest , most talented family ever! Just whip it. xxJust met one of my favorite actors Will Smith! P.s. I'm not sure why the photo took this way! I <3 him! Xx Fun day with @antonina_armato , so much loooooove! XxWith @DaniellaMonet , having so much fun!:) Had a great time writing with @NickJonas and @GregGarbo. :) Happy birthday, Coco. :]COCO Here's a photo of @MirandaCosgrove and I at St. Judes. Such a beautiful day with my friends. I will never forget it. <3Thanks to my friend Paul for giving me this cool braid, I will never be able to replicate it so we took a pic. :] I know I'm a little late but heres my makeup-less face for @seventeenmag ...

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